WIU Alumnus Coaches High School to National FFA Win

By Adam Studzinski, News Director

In only his third year of teaching, Western Illinois University alumnus Doug Nelson  has already achieved two goals he originally wanted to achieve in his first 10 years of teaching agricultural education at the high school level.

Nelson earned his bachelor’s degree in ag ed from Western in 2010 and is in his second year of teaching at Princeville High School.  In late October, his four-person team of FFA students took home the national first-place win in the FFA Farm Business Management Career Development Event (CDE) at the 85th National FFA Convention held in Indianapolis.

According to Nelson, the students won the state contest last May, which made them eligible to compete at the national level this fall.

He also noted that, at Princeville, winning the Illinois FFA farm business management contest is a bit of a tradition, however this was the first time the Princeville FFA ever won the National FFA Farm Business Management CDE.

Now that Nelson has achieved two of his career goals so early in his teaching tenure, he said he will continue to set high expectations for his students and hopes to continue to compete, and win, at the both the state and national levels.